Dreamweaver Integration

AllChange Dreamweaver Integration

Increase your web development productivity with the Dreamweaver and AllChange integration.

The benefits of real version control and change management workflow are now available to web developers, designers and programmers. Web developers can benefit from AllChange’s efficient file management, web based project management and reporting.

AllChange provides an integrated support environment for Dreamweaver, simplifying version control, and helping team based development by supporting developers in working together, rather than getting in each others way.

Automated delivery mechanisms, workflow controls, authorisation and access controls, plus automatic audit trails are just some of the features that AllChange provides for today’s rapid software development environments.


"My personal productivity has risen by between 5% and 10% simply because I no longer have to leave the Dreamweaver environment anymore. It means that I can get all the benefits of a process based configuration management tool, yet still work how a web developer should!"

“AllChange also gives true change management workflow, and gives managers process based control while proactively helping me deliver what is required, when it is required.”

Jason Etheridge, Professional Web Developer.

Intasoft recognised that web development needs support mechanisms above and beyond traditional software development and that web developers were being given excellent development tools but, were having to make do with legacy configuration management methods. The Dreamweaver AllChange integration is just the first step in providing true configuration management specifically designed for the web environment.

Dreamweaver Integration Feature Tour

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